Are the Stones Standing Still
Opening 29 August
30 August - 1 September 2024
Fri - Sun | 12-6pm
Staffordshire St presents Are the Stones Standing Still, an exhibition-cum-symposium. The weekend event acts as a follow-up to Eastside Project's 2023 If It Thunders on All Fool's Day.
As England crumbles, arts funding is cut and Starmer’s Labour gain power – are there new ways of doing? Or are the stones standing still? From the regions to the capital, no one’s watching. Do something.
Are the Stones Standing Still is a symposium, a gathering of collectives from around the UK to come together and protest. Curator Dinosaur Kilby has invited five collaborative artist groups to come together: Prayer Room in Birmingham, Test Space from Bristol, PINK in Stockport, Studio Cybi from North Wales and The Field in Derbyshire to participate. Each collective is asked to produce a banner; a statement of intent about who they are, what they are doing and where they want to be in five years.
During the four day event the banners will be raised as a makeshift tent for collective practice to shelter under, and the project space will activate the project space with screenings, performances and conversation below, between and around the waving flags. The symposium will seek to examine questions such as: what does rurality mean? How do artist-led ecologies talk to each other? What’s important for artists now?
Press release here
The banners are raised, the canopy is holding, come shelter under our framework for collective practice. Please join us for the OPENING of Are the Stones Standing Still with a performances from Chloe Langlois, Campbell Mcconnell, Ross Hammond, Lolly Adams, Bijan Moosavi, Louise Ashcroft and Chanel Vegas​
29 August 2024, 6-9pm
Beyond Possibilities | workshop
When was the last time you thought something was truly impossible?
Join facilitator Timna Krenn for an afternoon of collaborative play involving movement, writing and sound.​
30 August 2024, 4-6pm
We will be screening works by Dan Guthrie, Alex Billingham and Modern Painters, New Decorators.​
1 September 2024, 2-3pm
Join YAK! for an open and communal reading group exploring radical histories through conversation and text. ​
1 September 2024, 3-5pm